ABNER a.s.

ABNER a.s.
- Sídlo: Lanškrounská 499/87, CZ 571 01 Moravská Třebová
- IČ: 25915207
- Tel.: +420 461 313 111
- Fax: +420 461 313 171
- E-mail: abner@abner.cz
- Web: www.abner.cz
Historie společnosti ABNER sahá až do 80. let 19. století, kdy byla založena stříbrnická dílna a výroba podnosů, pudřenek, cigaretových pouzder a dóz. Rozvoj výroby později i stříbrných příborů je pevně spojený se jménem BIBUS.
- 1981 – beginning of production of stainless steel equipment for hospital catering – stainless steel tray systems and transport trolleys
- ABNER Ltd. was established
- extension of pressure cartridges production
- company certified according to ISO 9002/1994 by BVQI
- transformation from limited company to joint-stock company ABNER a.s.
- beginning of production of insulated tray system with active heating
Our production programme is focused on catering equipment made of stainless steel – wide range of transport and manipulation trolleys, trolleys with heating or cooling, etc. Our products ensure modern way of distribution and transport of meals in kitchens, canteens, hospitals, nursery homes, homes for the elderly.
Isothermal tray system THERMOLINE®
The THERMOLINE® tray system was specially developed for cook & serve catering. Great attention has been given to the new requirements in the field of hygiene. The result is a user-friendly system which maintains an optimum temperature. The heating system of the THERMOLINE® system has been adjusted to a food temperature of 65° to 75°C. Each heating zone is regulated individually by means of a temperature sensor. This automatic heating system guarantees an even target temperature of all foods using the lowest power consumption. The heating module is covered with a lid made of polypropylene with PUR foam core. In this way an optimum insulation for hot foods is achieved and heat transfer to cold foods is prevented. Both the heating module and the lid are fully dishwasher proof.
Variations of tablet THERMOLINE®
- tablet THERMOLINE® A1 – active heating of plate with main meal only
- tablet THERMOLINE® A2 – active heating of plate main meal and bowl with soup
- tablet TERMOLINE® Passive – neutral version where pre-heated china ware is being used only
Active-Tray isothermal tray system
In the Active-Tray distribution system, hot meals are heated individually and covered with insulated domes. This provides a thermal separation between hot and cold components and allows individual meals to be heated as required, e.g. only the porridge for breakfast or only the soup for supper.The Active-Tray system can be used with traditional ward trolleys but also with a docking station and transfer cart. During regeneration, the heating system does not heat the entire ward trolley, but channels the energy directly to the hot meals of each individual tray.