- Address: Boženy Němcové 54, CZ 370 01 České Budějovice
- ID no.: 48200417
- Tel.: +420 387 311 874-5
- Mobil: +420 777 126 381-2
- E-mail:
- Web:
The Company Mediset-Chironax s.r.o. has been active on the medical equipment market for more than 17 years. In the course of this period, a stable and well-experienced team of business and technical specialists has been established. Mediset-Chironax s.r.o. it the holder of the QMS Certificate of Quality (ISO 9001: 2001), a member of The Association of Manufacturers and Sellers of Medical Equipment as well as a member of the Czech Chamber of Commerce.
Our business philosophy consists in sustaining a broad range of products showing a good use value – quality - price ratio. We have been eager to avoid extremely cheap products, unless their advantageous price is accompanied by a sufficient quality, use value and service support.
Most of our products are supplied to hospitals including teaching hospitals, private clinics and health centers, health institutions run by the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Interior Affairs, medical schools and medical faculties.
The amount of our supplies to private medical practices, spas, seniors´ homes, rehabilitation centers and the general public has also grown.