OR-CZ spol. s r.o.

OR-CZ spol. s r.o.
- Headquarters: Gorazdova 1477/2, Předměstí, 571 01 Moravská Třebová
- ID no.: 48168921
- Tel.: +420 461 361 111
- E-mail: orcz@orcz.cz
- Web: www.orcz.cz
- LinkedIn OR-CZ
- Facebook OR-CZ
OR-CZ spol. s r.o.
Twenty years of experience in healthcare and more than 120 installations of MARIE PACS solutions in the Czech Republic ranks OR-CZ among the leading providers of IT systems for digitization of healthcare operations. By focusing on the exchange of medical documentation and integration of information systems or continuous innovation and optimization of our products, we try to help health professionals in improving healthcare and diagnostic processes.
- Modern, safe and reliable solutions for working with medical image documentation
- Used by more than 120 healthcare institutions
- Web-based and installation-free technologies (zero-footprint diagnostics and clinical DICOM viewer)
- Certification as a Class IIb Medical Device according to MDR
- Integration with any hospital information system and compatibility with modalities of different manufacturers
- Suitable for healthcare facilities of all sizes (private practices, polyclinics, hospitals, regional and central solutions)
- A service for sending electronic medical records securely
- No need to burn test results to CD or send them by post
- Use in the form of a service or local installation, including an API interface for integration with other information system
- A communication network for the exchange of any medical documentation between healthcare facilities
- Independence from installed systems in the healthcare facility
- PACS as a service
- No local HW or operation and maintenance costs
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Integrated solutions from different AI manufacturers
- Display of results directly in our DICOM browser (SR, PR, SC, IHE AIR)