MTE spol. s r.o.
MTE spol. s r.o.
- Address: Hybešova 43, CZ 620 00, Brno
- ID no.: 41603371
- Tel.: +420 543 432 400
- Fax: +420 543 432 405
- E-mail:
- Web:,
MTE Ltd. is a modern, dynamic company, dealing from 1991 with development and distribution of medical aids for diabetic patients and patients with vessel disorders. During its long-lasting existence it became one of the leaders in distribution of medical aids for diabetics and became one of the biggest companies operating in the area of specialised distribution in the Czech Republic.
The main activity of MTE company is a reliable distribution of our products in the pharmacies, medical aids shops, hospitals, ordinations, to patients and also marketing support of these products. The companies and products, which we represent in the Czech Republic, are of top quality in their areas (Johnson & Johnson - division LifeScan, Roche, Abbott, Bata, Bio-Rad, Loana, Eli Lilly, Novo Nordisk, SOOIL).
MTE company deals also with development of medical aids. Among our own product, e.g. one of the first glucometers in the Czech market or pen for capillary blood sample taking from fingertip can be found. At present, we produce very popular diabetic socks Diacomfort.
MTE also - except of development and distribution of certain products - runs a shop of medical aids and pharmacy, which both offer complete assortment of remedies, food supplements, cosmetics and medical aids for patients at attractive conditions.