- Headquarters: Masarykovo nám. 77, CZ 664 71 Veverská Bítýška
- ID no.: 44947429
- Tel.: +420 549 456 226, bezplatná linka: + 420 800 100 150
- E-mail: info@hartmann.cz
- Web: www.hartmann.cz
- Facebook page
HARTMANN Group finds its home on every continent. Our products are relied on by people in almost 100 countries and you have a chance to visit a HARTMANN subsidiary in 34 of them. We believe in the endless possibilities of improving healthcare solutions that we put in the hands of healthcare professionals and ordinary users alike. We can rely on 200 years of our experience, deep insight into the healthcare industry and expertise in the field of healthcare, which we gain through constant dialogue with all our customer groups.
In the Czech Republic, we operate as HARTMANN - RICO a.s., which has been part of the HARTMANN Group since 1991. HARTMANN - RICO a.s. brings together a team of more than 1,500 employees. Together, we are constantly striving to always be able to offer our customers a better solution. Whether it is hospitals, out-patient facilities, homes for the elderly, home care agencies and other providers of health and social services, or ordinary consumers who rely on the HARTMANN brand during daily care of their health or the health of their loved ones. Our portfolio consists of a diverse range of medical and hygiene products and services in the areas of wound healing, incontinence management, risk prevention in operation theatres, disinfection, feminine and children's hygiene and natural cosmetics, combining an emphasis on innovation, ease of use and high efficiency. In the Czech Republic, we operate four production plants whose production program focuses primarily on the production of disposable products for operating theatres. Thanks to our professionalism, partnership approach and passion for the work that we do, in the Czech Republic we have long held the position of a leading manufacturer and distributor of medical devices and, at the same time, a prominent exporter. Here, HARTMANN is also the most famous brand of medical devices and hygiene products.