- Address: Dělnická 2727, CZ 272 01 Kladno
- ID no.: 43774946
- Tel.: +420 312 811 200
- Fax: +420 312 662 464
- E-mail:
- Web:
- Facebook page BEZNOSKA
Beznoska Co. Ltd. has been formed by privatization process of part of Poldi Steelworks in 1992. This unit has been producing surgical instruments and implants for traumatology and orthopedics all ready since 1969.
Since 1995 the company has been certified in accordance with ISO 9001 standards and since 2003 with ISO 13485:2003. Since 1998 our company has been authorized to use the mark of conformity "CE" in accordance with the European directive 93/42/EEC for the whole product's assortment. This authorization has been awarded by "Notified Body" (NB 0434).
Nowadays more than 3.000 surgical instruments and implants are included in the production assortment. There are instruments, implants and others surgical equipment for orthopedics, traumatology and bone surgery in general. According to the surgical use, we could divide the products to the rank for osteosynthesis use (bone joining) and to the rank for arthroplasty use (total joint replacements).
The principle of the company development is continuous innovation. All development activities are running on the company frame . On the company development participate 18 constructors and technologists, who cooperate together on novelties from draft to the final design with medical experts from clinical research institutes.
Consultation during the application of the product is a part of continuous improvement of the products quality and good services with Beznoska Company gives its customers. Beznoska Company also organizes training and workshops where the surgeons could see new products.
More than 50 years tradition of production and selling of the implants and instruments for orthopedics and traumatology is the guarantee of the highest quality and long-lasting lifespan of Beznoska's products.
- Total Hip Joint Replacements
- Total Knee Joint Replacements
- Shoulder Hemiarthroplasty
- Revision Systems
- Tumorous Replacements
- Custom Made Pelvis Replacement
- Plates and Screws
- Instruments